Why meditate?

People meditate for a variety of reasons, but some of the most common include:

To reduce stress and anxiety. Transcendental Meditation is a specific meditation technique that allows the body and mind to settle into a natural state of rest, which can be very helpful for people who are feeling stressed or anxious.

To improve focus and concentration. Studies have shown that Transcendental Meditation improves concentration, problem solving ability, faster reaction time and better exam results in meditating students.  It’s a useful technique for people who have trouble focusing or concentrating.

To improve mood and well-being. Transcendental Meditation can help to increase feelings of happiness, peace, and well-being.

To connect with spirituality or religion. TM has been practiced for centuries as a way to connect with a higher power or to achieve spiritual enlightenment.

There is a growing body of scientific evidence that supports the many benefits of Transcendental Meditation. Studies have shown that meditation can help to reduce stress, anxiety, depression and pain. It can also improve sleep quality and increase cognitive function.

If you’re interested in learning TM, we offer two ways to learn:

1: Online.  We offer courses monthly and can often schedule them around our students’ diaries.

2: In person.  We offer courses in Brighton three times a year.