Entries by mike

TM is Easy

This recent article in Marie Claire recently highlighted two important things about Transcendental Meditation*. The first is that it’s easier than other types of meditation.  One of the reasons for this is that we don’t try to clear the mind or fight random thoughts during TM.  If you’ve ever tried to do this you’ll know […]

Me Time

In today’s busy world, it can be hard to find time for ourselves. We’re constantly bombarded with demands from work and personal life. But it’s important to make time for ourselves, even if it’s just for a few minutes each day.  Learning TM with The Meditation People online or on a face-to-face TM course in […]

On Transcending

I learnt to meditate because I was searching for something beyond the mundane, beyond the everyday.  The word ’transcendental’ in Transcendental Meditation intrigued me because ‘transcend’ means ‘to go beyond.’  I wanted to see if it was possible for the mind to go beyond its everyday chatter.  I’d read about the inner self and intuitively […]

TM Improves Learning

Studies show that when learning a new skill, for example, a musical instrument, learning is consolidated and improved by taking breaks between practice times. During breaks, recorded magnetoencephalography (MEG) demonstrates that there is a compressed neural replay at a rate of approximately 20-times the acquired skill for consolidation.  And a recently published study in Cell […]