Deep Rest

Rest survey

In 2016, a survey by the Wellcome Trust revealed that over two thirds (68%) of the British public would like more rest.

Many people feel that they don’t get enough sleep or that the quality of their sleep isn’t as good as they would like.  Stress can affect our sleep giving rise to an overactive mind, which delays the onset of sleep.

The problem with telling someone to get more rest is that it often doesn’t work.  This is because the triggers which are affecting sleep, such as work, money, having too many commitments, are still there.

So what can we do?

We can learn Transcendental Meditation in four enjoyable sessions with The Meditation people.  When you learn TM with us, you’re learning a simple technique that anyone can practice, which allows the mind and body to settle down without effort.  TM is practised twice a day whilst sitting comfortably for 20 minutes and it allows the nervous system to gain deep rest as this early study on TM in Science magazine suggests.

The result of the deep rest we experience during meditation is that we feel physically more relaxed after meditation along with a sense of inner calm and many people report that their sleep improves after starting TM.